About Us
The Highway 290 church of Christ is a congregation of God's people seeking to serve Him in spirit and in truth, with scriptural authority for all that we do in word or deed (Col. 3:17). John 4:23 "But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be his worshipers."
At the Highway 290 church of Christ we believe that clear scriptural authority must support all aspects of the work and worship of the local church. Also, we believe that we must be governed by the authority of God's word in our individual Christian lives. It is our aim to set the example before others of Christ living in us, so as to reflect positively on our glorious Lord and Savior and on the local church.
In a world that is so conflicted with various doctrines and church creeds, doctrines of men and the resulting confusion as to what really is God's truth, we offer sound scriptural teaching from God's word. We follow no man made creed, we appeal to no man made council, we study and hold up God's revealed word as our only source of authority.
We welcome visitors and we welcome the opportunity to study God's word with anyone who wants to seek out the Lord that they may find Him.
It is our goal to glorify the name of the Lord in our lives and to work together as a church of His people to spread the gospel in the Brenham area.
At the Highway 290 church of Christ we believe that clear scriptural authority must support all aspects of the work and worship of the local church. Also, we believe that we must be governed by the authority of God's word in our individual Christian lives. It is our aim to set the example before others of Christ living in us, so as to reflect positively on our glorious Lord and Savior and on the local church.
In a world that is so conflicted with various doctrines and church creeds, doctrines of men and the resulting confusion as to what really is God's truth, we offer sound scriptural teaching from God's word. We follow no man made creed, we appeal to no man made council, we study and hold up God's revealed word as our only source of authority.
We welcome visitors and we welcome the opportunity to study God's word with anyone who wants to seek out the Lord that they may find Him.
It is our goal to glorify the name of the Lord in our lives and to work together as a church of His people to spread the gospel in the Brenham area.